Friday, January 24, 2014

Eastern Shore winter birds...

With all this wickedly cold weather of ice, snow and wind lately reminds me of a couple years ago when I captured these photos of the birds that visit our beach home in the winter... All birds certainly do not go south! Every year we've been lucky to see the large amount of birds come to visit...


White snow geese and I believe Mallard ducks  Canadian Canada geese...
Okay, seriously I just may have ALL this wrong! 
Check back later for the correct identification of all these birds!
Thousands of snow geese made a visit for several days...

At night the snow geese are so LOUD I doubt anyone nearby can get any sleep at all! I know I didn't, but it was somewhat peaceful to hear them....


  1. We see so few birds in winter here... lovely that you were able to see them and enjoy their visit!
    Have a great weekend, Carrie!

  2. The Snow geese fill the fields up here when they are migrating. Quite often they share the fields with Canada Geese as well. Love watching them.

  3. What a lovely blog you have!
    Have a great week...
    Love Titti


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